Eating well, or, please hold the sugar

Two members of our family were suffering new tooth-decay problems, and my wife Nicole had been reading about a dentist who researched the profound difference in health between people following traditional diets versus Western diets.

Nicole decided to take the plunge and learn how to feed us a traditional diet. We have removed refined flour and sugar from our diet, and added lots of whole, organic, delicious vegetables, milk products (unpasteurized, like God—and Louis Pasteur!—intended), honey, and meat. There are lots of changes she's making as she learns, which I'll also share over time, but she's posting interesting articles on her traditional-food blog.

This is incredible food, and our health is improving dramatically as we restore the levels of nutrition available to our bodies from the red zone to which modern Americans are accustomed, into normal ranges so our bodies have something to work with. Dental health, skin health, energy, mental function, sleep patterns, emotional health, you name it...every one of us is doing well and still improving rapidly.

I was generously offered some chai at work this morning. I took a few ounces. It was delicious, but I noticed an immediate and all-too-familiar feeling of weakening. I used to regard this as normal, but now I realize that I would feel this whenever I ate or drank anything with refined flour or sugar. As long as I stay clear of sugar and flour, I don't crave it, and this kind of experience is quite the reinforcement of my desire to stay away.

So my diet is very different now. This may sound inconvenient, and sometimes it is. But don't cry for me—I'm eating delicious homemade butter, homemade ice cream (sweetened with dehydrated cane juice and/or honey), rich Indian dishes...

  1. Pasteurization was developed for wine. On hearing that pasteurization was to be used on milk, Pasteur is reported to have said, "What are they doing to my wonderful food?"

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